With the unexpected heavy rainfall from start of third week of month of October 2020 in South India the two smart cities Belgaum and Hyderabad have flooded to level of neck. Although there was an alert from meteorological department about low pressure in an around Bay of Bengal the cities were not prepared for this heavy rainfall

Pictures of Army / NDRF Rescuing the Localities of Belgaum to safe location

belgaum flood

belgaum flood


Pictures of Army / NDRF Rescuing the Localities of Hyderabad to safe location


hyderabad flood

hyderabad flood

Hyderabad is second largest city in India that produces revenue on basis of Software Services. From the Smart City list Hyderabad and Belgaum are among them and the locals have suffered three days with out electricity, drinking water and no proper source of food to them. With the raise of water levels across dams these cities are not smart enough during the heavy rains.