BJP again fails to educate farmers, passes farmer bill, farmers on rampage
BJP the central govt of India has a all flaw when it makes any decision or passes a bill. The Govt of India makes decisions in hurry that common man can understand what is happening around him. This policies and changes will impact the common man still he does not know the details of what is going on in and around him.
Take the case of Demonetization all of a sudden Govt decided to scrap old currency and bring in the new currency, 10 percent of Indians understood the logic of demonetization but the rest 90 Indians woke up the next day and did not know what exactly was announced on Thursday 8 November 2016. What 90 percentage of Indians could hear is miscommunication that their old currencies they had in their pocket and emergency lockers will no longer work.
Farmers bill was amended on last Thursday 17th September 2020 and passed in both the Houses of Parliament
Farmers Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion And Facilitation) Bill, 2020
1. Companies allowed to purchase directly from farmer(contract farming). Reducing the risk of Broker or the middle man getting high commission or Farmer going in to debt.
Essential commodities (Amendment) act 2020
2. Limiting hoarding of essential food items cereals, pulses, oil seeds, edible oils, onion and potatoes is removed. Hoarding can only be done during floods and unexpected calamity will help farmers to preserve food item during low price and sell at high price
Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Bill, 2020
3. No price fixation that means the farmers can sell as per his required amount to the APMC or Companies. It will be competitive price fixed by Farmers
First : This act is dependent one and only on Farmer if he decides to sell his crop to any one. Farmer is in full control of his decision to sell or not to sell to APMC / Company.
Second : Farmers job is to produce and no to hoard, hoarding is done by a company or a middle man that is eradicated with introduction of this amendment.
Third : Farmers will be able to sell his crop with higher prize of his choice
Although BJP Central Government has done very well in passing these bill to stop black marketing and stop higher prize of essential commodities. Also PM Shri Narendra Modi backed the bills that its in the pocket of farmers benefits, the opposition parties are misguiding the uneducated farmers and calling for protest like rail roko on 24, 25 and 26th September 2020. This protest is only called by some opposition parties and farmers association from north western parts of India like Haryana, Punjab states. Rest of the farming associations all over India are calm, accepting and understanding the Amendment acts of 2020.